A Day in the Life: Calista Odum

Calista Odum is a senior at University of North Georgia. She is a communications major, concentrating in organizational leadership with a minor in graphic design. We are so excited that Calista is joining the Forum team this summer as a marketing intern and look forward to getting to know her better!
What is on your to-do list for 2020?
I am striving to learn something new every month or push myself out of my comfort zone! I want to learn more about myself through this process and expand my knowledge on various topics. This can be through a new recipe or teaching myself how to juggle.
What’s your personal motto right now?
“There is always a reason to smile, you just have to find it!”
If there’s one place on earth that you could visit, where would it be and why?
Ireland! When I imagine myself visiting, I picture myself traveling across the countryside seeking captivating nature scenes. I am also part Irish, so I would love to learn more about some of my culture and traditions.
What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
As a child, I loved hanging out with my grandparents! I was fortunate to live next door to them, so we would garden together and go to car shows with my cousin. Living next to them always gave me something fun to do and it also helped that they would feed me lots of chicken and dumplings.
What led you to this industry?
One of my college best friends was talking about her future career in marketing, and I couldn’t help but be drawn towards her passion for the industry. After this, I researched the field and also talked with others in the marketing and advertising community. Helping people organize and covey their business goals is an honor, and I am happy to be a part of the Forum Team!
What living creative person do you admire most? Why?
Joanna Gaines, she has been able to take her small business and grow it into an amazing community. I love how she is able to connect with her clients, give them what they want, and exceed their expectations.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Moving away to college was one of my biggest accomplishments. This was a challenging task for homebody like me. Being away from my entire family was something that I have never experienced and pushed me to establish myself here in Dahlonega. This time allowed me to grow confidence in myself and make friendships that will last a lifetime!
Do you have a favorite all-time ad campaign? If so, which one?
Publix, especially around the holidays! Their family-oriented mind set is heartwarming, simple, encouraging, and inspiring. They not only convey this when broadcasting their work, but also to their employees by treating them with respect and valuing their family time.
What’s your favorite jam to listen to while working?
I love to blare country music and classic rock! My favorite country song is by Merle Haggard and I love any classic rock song from the 70’s. I typically play my music too loud and can be seen bobbing my head along to the music.
If you were awarded a yearbook superlative this year, what would it be and why?
Most likely to have “Todo Lists”. I am comforted when I can cross things off a list. Being able to see things written out helps to gather my thoughts and ideas into one place.
Thing you enjoy most about college (so we can live vicariously through you)?
I love living so close to my friends! Since I am an only child, growing up out in the country was lonely at times. I am being spoiled with the luxury of walking across the street to my friend’s houses. Going around town and seeing your friends and community throughout the day brings the biggest smile to my face.
Describe yourself in one word.
Loyal. If you keep up with the various enneagram types, I identify with the “One’s”. I value staying true and consistent with projects and people!