A Day in the Life: Elizabeth Brill

Name: Elizabeth Brill
What is your title? Graphic Designer
What does that mean? I help make the visual designs at Forum – whether that’s logo design, creating business cards or letterhead, social media images, brochures, or anything else that needs creating – I’m happy to do it all!
What social media platform do you use most often? I would say Instagram. I follow a lot of other designers and artists on there and it’s a great way to get inspiration!
What might you find yourself doing around 10 a.m. on a regular work day? Probably getting into the groove of whatever project I’m on, listening to music or a true crime podcast. There may or may not be a cat in my lap or trying to walk on my keyboard at that point!
What do you like best about your job? I love the diversity of projects I have here at Forum. I can be working on a brochure for one company one day and sitting in on a photo shoot for another company the next. It really helps to keep my creative thoughts flowing and keeps me on my toes as a designer. I know I’ll never be creating the same thing every day and that’s what makes every new day at Forum exciting!
What time do you get up? 7:35 a.m.
How many times do you hit snooze? I used to snooze maybe two times, but I’m trying to get into a better habit of getting up at the first alarm. So far, it’s been working!
When you aren’t working, what are you doing? Playing soccer, going on a run, hanging out with my husband Andrew, watching Netflix, playing with my cat (Ramona), reading, baking, or eating. I also love to travel when I get the chance!
Tell us about your family. My family is my complete support system. My husband, Andrew, is my best friend and is probably the kindest and smartest person I know. We met on move-in day freshman year at UGA and instantly clicked. We’ll be celebrating our first wedding anniversary this May! My parents are amazing and raised me in an environment full of love and laughter. My older sister, Emily, is my constant sounding board and I don’t think our phone conversations have ever been under an hour! I see my parents and my sister at least a few times a month, whether it’s for a birthday celebration, a dinner, or watching my nieces’ soccer games – we’re always there to support each other and spend quality time together.
Describe yourself in one word. Imaginative.