Bridgepoint Clinic
Branding, Logo Design, Website Design, SEO & Public Relations
Bridgepoint Clinic represented an entirely new approach to mental health care in the metro Atlanta area – new in terms of age and care approach. Founded by colleagues and Drs. Arun K. Kantamneni and Darshan Patel, Bridgepoint was, in fact, the first clinic of its kind in Atlanta. Utilizing adaptable and scientific approaches to mental healthcare for patients facing a wide variety of concerns, Bridgepoint providers offer functional psychiatry, integrative psychiatry, and traditional psychiatry in an approach tailored specifically to the needs of each individual patient. And the new practice required marketing, branding, and a website to help establish its position in a crowded and competitive healthcare community.
Beyond establishing bona fides and offering a point of contact, Bridgepoint’s website also needed to act as a resource that patients, potential patients, and other providers could use to learn about mental healthcare and the varied approaches utilized by Bridgepoint providers.
Bridgepoint providers already had a strong reputation amongst numerous patients while working with other clinics in the marketplace but needed a noticeable and memorable presence to reach and help as many new patients as possible. Therefore, (beginning in 2021) we designed an eye-catching logo, created and launched a custom and integrative website, and built a marketing strategy to drive both prospective patients to the website and interest from referring medical providers undertook a pay-per-click ad campaign, and other outreach efforts for referring medical providers.
The strategy includes direct mail, pay-per-click advertising, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts, and a myriad of other strategies. Plans to conduct testimonial interviews, video content, and other content articles are also under way. The results of our work were an immediate success, as the clinic experienced a 2,600% increase in new patient leads and continually increased traffic to the website. Bridgepoint’s logo also drew rave reviews, including a Platinum Hermes Creative Award in the Logo category for its use of lines as the various paths to achieve mental wellness.

Because of their unique and holistic approach to care – blending both traditional and innovative approaches to care – we worked closely with providers and undertook hours of research to learn more about mental healthcare. Through numerous discussions, we divined a way to best provide a basis of knowledge for website visitors and thus incorporated the tripartite care that encompasses the functional, integrative, and traditional psychiatry care that Bridgepoint utilizes. It required determination, a willingness to learn, and patience for us to fully understand their unique approaches – but it was absolutely vital to delivering the message and presenting Bridgepoint to an audience.
For the logo design, we actually created three different options; the one Bridgepoint selected features a “B” and “P” connected in such a way that concentric circles and lines show a way “out” – symbolic of a way out of mental health concerns through care. The logo proved central to everything that Bridgepoint does – in fact they even wanted to incorporate it into their office design. With that in mind, we connected Bridgepoint with an interior designer to help them lay out their office in a manner that matched the logo/design/colors they selected.
What We Accomplished
Website Creation & Development
Content Creation
Print & Product Packaging DesigN
Regional Media Relations & Publicity
Product Positioning