Danley Sound Labs is a pioneering audio technology company that makes some of the most innovative and highest quality loudspeakers and subwoofers in the world.

Danley website 2019



Danley Sound Labs was initially introduced to Forum by their prior web agency. They were in desperate need of a new website. The existing site had launched roughly 10 years prior and users were struggling to find product-related content and otherwise. It was time for a new strategy in digital marketing.





In our initial discussions, what was a website project quickly became more. Danley had worked with a PR firm for a few years to drive buzz but had never worked with a full-service marketing agency. As part of the website project, we developed a brand voice for the company along with the website – which helped define much of the content for the site. In addition, Forum became Danley’s agency of record assisting with not only the new website, but PR, social media, advertising and more.

In a collaborative effort between Danley’s staff (who are immensely talented!) and Forum, a new logo was also developed and launched in 2024.

Danley W3 Award

danley sound labs gold marcom award



Through our partnership, Danley has received a variety of awards including a 2022 Gold W3 Award for the new website as well as a 2023 W3 Silver Award and 2023 MarCom Gold Award for the case study videos developed in partnership with AJ Parker Media with Forum setting messaging and strategic direction.

Regarding social media, using only organic social media tactics, Forum has been able to grow Danley’s social media followership significantly with over 21,000 followers now on Facebook and over 8,000 on Instagram with a focus on targeted growth. Keep in mind, Danley has traditionally been a B2B customer with access to products only through dealers and integrators.

Most importantly, through the efforts of both Danley’s R&D and sales teams as well as Forum’s efforts, Danley has seen a great deal of success in terms of sales volume and product interest as 2022 and 2023 saw two of Danley’s best years with both breaking the sales record set in the prior year.


water mission danley graphic

Experience Danley messaging




“Music is God’s gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.” – Walter Savage Landor

From the first strokes of design on the new website, Forum began working on establishing the right tone and message for Danley’s brand voice. Danley is, and has always been, a company that places their faith before profit and God before all else. In an industry where that sort of messaging isn’t always well received, Forum wanted to develop messaging that would speak to who they were and what they believed – even wearing their faith on their sleeve at times – but all in a way that is disarming and driven in love.

We went from “speaker series” for the various groupings of products to “families” and focused heavily on experience – the experience that Danley loudspeakers, subwoofers, amplifiers and digital processors provide for both the user and the consumer of the sound.

With such a focus on experience, we leaned heavily into video to allow us to show emotive experiences and at times share “just enough” to keep the user guessing. We refer to Danley’s brand voice as “the good-natured wizard” – a message that leans directly into Danley’s co-founder Tom Danley and his own personal persona.

Over the course of our work together, we also developed a new logo in partnership with members of Danley’s own sales and engineering team. With design skills of their own, we were able to find a design that suits who Danley is while also sharing new direction leaning into sand and wave textures both of which speak to Tom Danley’s own research in Egypt, the creation of the first Danley loudspeaker and the beginnings of their faith.

Now that these new elements are established, Forum is developing new strategies in advertising, knowledge leadership, and SEO that will bring these ideas to market in bigger ways as well as prepares Danley to enter into new markets including studio, live sound, and otherwise.