Day in the Life: Morgan George

We are excited to welcome Morgan George to the Forum Family as a Digital Account Manager. Read on to learn more about Morgan!
What is your title?
Digital Account Manager
What does that mean?
I implement digital strategies for many of Forum’s ongoing clients.
What’s your favorite thing about the Forum culture?
The team! Everyone at Forum is knowledgeable and up-to-date on current marketing tactics. I’m excited to learn from each of them!
If you weren’t working at Forum, what do you think you would be doing?
If I left marketing, I would love to own a nursery or have my own plant truck and sell plants out of it. Think of a food truck but for buying plants.
What social media platform(s) do you use most often?
Instagram & TikTok
What might you find yourself doing around 10 a.m. on a regular work day?
I might be in a client meeting, working with a designer on a new project, or in a brainstorming meeting with the digital team. Every day is different at an agency!
What motto do you live by?
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
What do you like best about your job?
Digital marketing is where I feel I thrive, and I love coming up with the best strategies to implement for clients.
What’s one thing you wish you knew as a recent college graduate?
Work-life balance is a good thing, and it is SO important.
What time do you get up?
6:30 am. I’m a morning shower person. This gives me time to cook breakfast and drink my greens before the workday starts.
How many times do you snooze?
What’s a snooze button?
How do you take your coffee?
Does Chai count? Iced, please!
When you aren’t working what are you doing?
When I’m not working, I’m either working in the yard, attending an Orangetheory class with friends or patiently waiting for someone to invite me to brunch.
Tell us about your family.
My husband and I just purchased our first home in Gainesville, Georgia, last Summer. We have made Gainesville home and love what the area has to offer. We have three cats who live rent-free: Brooks, Dunn and Bandit.
Describe yourself in one word.