A Day in the Life: Erin, Creative Strategist

Name: Erin Williamson
What is your title? Creative Strategist
What’s your favorite thing about the Forum culture? Commitment. To each other, to our clients and to our work. I love our team!
Where are you from? The Gulf Coast. Born and raised in Mobile, Ala., I spent my four college years in the greatest city on Earth, New Orleans, before moving to North Georgia 13 years ago.
What social media platform do you use most often? Probably Instagram. I appreciate photography, so I like the mix of great images while still getting a glimpse into friends’ lives without the clickbait and “debate.”
What motto do you live by? Just be kind.
What are your top sources of news and how often do you check them? Twitter is typically what links me to the news. I started out as a reporter and editor in the newspaper business, so I appreciate good journalism and great storytelling. On Twitter, I follow lots of writers and publications, local and national, that both dive deep and share the latest headlines.
What’s one thing you wish you knew as a recent college graduate?
That the fun and the meaning come from figuring it out, not having it all figured out. (And that I’d had David Foster Wallace as a commencement speaker. His should be required reading (for today’s graduates, here’s an abridged video version).
How many times do you snooze? Two… or three. When it comes to mornings, I am a work in progress. (See next question.)
How do you take your coffee? Freshly ground coffee-flavored coffee (no flavored brews or artificial sweeteners, just a little raw sugar or nothing at all) in a 20-oz stainless steel mug that I sip all morning. Ahhh.
When you aren’t working what are you doing? Running, reading or walking / hiking with my dog, Miles. And since it’s almost Fall, watching football. Roll Tide, Go Dawgs and most importantly, Who Dat!
Describe yourself in one word. Deliberate.